Could This Be Heaven?
Eastern Redbud
Hidcote Lavender
Sea Pink, Common Thrift
Foothill Penstemon
California Fuchsia, Zauschneria
Eastern Redbud

Common name:Eastern Redbud
Botanical name:Cercis canadensis

This small, deciduous tree with a rounded head is covered with small flowers of a rose pink color in the spring before the appearance of heart-shaped leaves. It can grow to 25' tall with an equal spread. It has a low branching habit with a rounded form. Leaves turn yellow green in the fall.

Hidcote Lavender

Common name:Hidcote Lavender
Botanical name:Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'

This is a slow growing lavender that grows to 1' tall with deep purple flowers. It is drought tolerant and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. -Cornflower Farms

Sea Pink, Common Thrift

Common name:Sea Pink, Common Thrift
Botanical name:Armeria maritima

This clumping, grass-like perennial is native to many areas, including coastal CA. Its flowers range from deep rose pink through white. -Monterey Bay Nursery

Foothill Penstemon

Common name:Foothill Penstemon
Botanical name:Penstemon heterophyllus

This perennial will grow 1.5'-2' tall and 2'-3' wide. It has glossy, blue green foliage with flowers that vary in color and bloom from spring through early summer.

California Fuchsia, Zauschneria

Common name:California Fuchsia, Zauschneria
Botanical name:Epilobium canum canum

The California fuchsia is a perennial with dense, narrow, green gray foliage and red orange summer flowers. The growth habit of this plant is sprawling and low. The California fuchsia is native to California, is drought tolerant, and attracts hummingbirds. -Cornflower Farms

Dealing With Drought

More than half of the water used at your home is for outside purposes. Studies show that on average, half of the water used outdoors is wasted. The leading cause of waste is incorrectly set and poorly managed irrigation controllers. The second biggest cause of wastage is broken irrigation equipment that goes undetected. There are a few basic things you can do to make a big difference in your water use.

Click in the green box for more information


Could This Be Heaven?

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.