Mountain  and Stone Walls
White Sage, Sacred White Sage
Brittlebush, Desert Encelia
Woolly Blue Curls
Conejo Buckwheat
Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.
Island Bush Poppy
White Sage, Sacred White Sage

Common name:White Sage, Sacred White Sage
Botanical name:Salvia apiana

This woody shrub has long stems with silvery white leaves and fragrant white flowers that bloom in the spring. It provides a strong structural form as a garden focal point. It can reach 6' tall and 6' wide.

Brittlebush, Desert Encelia

Common name:Brittlebush, Desert Encelia
Botanical name:Encelia farinosa

This deciduous mounding shrub typically has gray leaves that can reach 3' tall and wide. However, the leaves will turn white in drought conditions. Bright yellow 1" wide daisies appear in spring and summer. There is rapid growth following rain but this shrub is short-lived. Individual plants will reseed to repopulate. It does well in hot areas but cannot tolerate clay soils due to root rot. It will become overgrown and fragile if overwatered. It will suffer frost damage at 25 degrees F.

Woolly Blue Curls

Common name:Woolly Blue Curls
Botanical name:Trichostema lanatum

The Woolly Blue Curls is an evergreen shrub that reaches 3'-5' high. It has an open branching habit and has long stalks of brilliant purple woolly flowers in the spring and summer. This shrub is native to California, is drought tolerant, and attracts hummingbirds. -Cornflower Farms

Conejo Buckwheat

Common name:Conejo Buckwheat
Botanical name:Eriogonum crocatum

Saffron Buckwheat is a compact, low growing perennial 1'-2' high and wide, having white woolly stems and leaves and contrasting yellow flower clusters summer to fall. It tolerates heavy soils if given good drainage and no summer water.-Cornflower Farms

Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.

Common name:Flannel Bush, Fremontia cv.
Botanical name:Fremontodendron 'California Glory'

'California Glory' is an open and spreading evergreen shrub 10'-20' in height with many yellow flowers blooming in spring. It needs good drainage and little summer water. It is a native plant to California as the name suggests and it is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

Island Bush Poppy

Common name:Island Bush Poppy
Botanical name:Dendromecon harfordii

An evergreen shrub that grows quickly to 5'-8' tall and 6'-10' wide; the harfordii bears deep yellow poppy flowers to 3" wide with orange stamens. Its heaviest bloom period is in the spring, with some flowers almost all year. The plant requires sun, good drainage, and little or no summer watering. -Monterey Bay Nursery

Pest Management

Are pests bugging you? If pests are taking over there might be a good reason! Instead of grabbing that bottle of spray, consider using techniques that can solve your pest problems without toxic pesticides.

Click in the green box for more information


Mountain and Stone Walls

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.