Interesting Line In Boulder
Brittlebush, Desert Encelia
Chalk Dudleya, Chalk-Lettuce
Howard McMinn Manzanita
Winifred Gillman Blue Sage
Brittlebush, Desert Encelia

Common name:Brittlebush, Desert Encelia
Botanical name:Encelia farinosa

This deciduous mounding shrub typically has gray leaves that can reach 3' tall and wide. However, the leaves will turn white in drought conditions. Bright yellow 1" wide daisies appear in spring and summer. There is rapid growth following rain but this shrub is short-lived. Individual plants will reseed to repopulate. It does well in hot areas but cannot tolerate clay soils due to root rot. It will become overgrown and fragile if overwatered. It will suffer frost damage at 25 degrees F.

Chalk Dudleya, Chalk-Lettuce

Common name:Chalk Dudleya, Chalk-Lettuce
Botanical name:Dudleya pulverulenta

Chalk Dudleya is a succulent. with 12" diameter rosette and waxy leaves; it has interesting flower spikes.

Howard McMinn Manzanita

Common name:Howard McMinn Manzanita
Botanical name:Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn

This shrub is highly appreciated for its decorative characteristics, which include a dense show of small, pale pink urn-shaped flowers. Above all, it is the mahogany-red to brown bark (which peels beautifully) that is the major attraction. Its fruit resembles the tike apple, and the flowers contrast perfectly to the light green leaf (which can get rather tough). It blooms from late winter to spring. - Cornflower Farms

Winifred Gillman Blue Sage

Common name:Winifred Gillman Blue Sage
Botanical name:Salvia clevelandii 'Winifred Gillman'

The ' Winifred Gillman' Sage is a dense, compact sub-shrub that grows to 4'-5' tall and wide, and has a round form. It has blue flowers in spikes above the foliage in the spring and summer. This sub-shrub is native to California and is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

Using Water Wisely

An efficient watering system applies the right amount of water to the right parts of the garden at the right time. This conserves water and saves you money.

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Interesting Line In Boulder

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.