Common name:Rhaphiolepis Ballerina
Botanical name:Rhaphiolepis indica 'Ballerina'
This small shrub will grow 2' tall and 4' wide. It has small, dark green leaves that get a red tint in the winter and deep pink flowers that bloom fall through spring.
Common name:Pink Jasmine
Botanical name:Jasminum polyanthum
This fast-growing evergreen vine features clusters of fragrant white flowers almost all year in cool climates. It does best when grown in sun to part shade. -Monterey Bay Nursery
Common name:Skyrocket Juniper
Botanical name:Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket'
Skyrocket Juniper has blue green foliage on vertically growing branches that create a spire-like form. It is suitable for planting where space is limited or where a large blue exclamation point is needed! It needs full sunlight. Junipers are highly combustible plants. -Fort Collins Nursery
Common name:Chinese Pistache
Botanical name:Pistacia chinensis
The Pistacia chinensis is a deciduous tree with broad, spreading growth to 50' in height. Its leaves have 10-16 leaflets, and the fall coloring arrives in beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow. The young trees are often gawky, but some become shapely with age.
Common name:Camphor Tree
Botanical name:Cinnamomum camphora
This beautiful evergreen tree has glossy foliage that is light green in color. The new foliage comes in with a tinted red color. Eventually, this tree becomes quite large in size (50'-60' tall and 60' wide).
Putting the right plants in the right places in the right groupings is both the challenge and art of good landscape design.
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Designer: | Semi-Circular Planter |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.
Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.